Saturday, October 17, 2015

#Readathon Update: Book 1 (and 2), Hour 3!

Okey dokey. Hour 3 of the #Readathon just started. I had to stop reading to go pick up my kid from her friends house (priorities!! It was a tough choice). 

My first book choice was something that I had heard good things about and thought would be fast paced and start the challenge off in a fun way. It's I Am Princess X by Cherie Priest. I'm about 170 pages in and I LOVE it so far. 

I also have a couple of audiobooks going for in the car. My first one, the one cued up now... for my trip to pick up my interuppting child, is Unfortunately, The Milk by Neil Gaiman.


  1. Omg. "I am Princess X" looks awesome. Are you going to review it?

  2. OMG! I just discovered how to see comments on my blog!!
