Friday, March 24, 2017

Book Tag: Broadway

Lookie what I found! A book tag based on musicals. Yep.  I guess these are like mini- Broadway to Book recommendations! DOUBLE WIN!

Book Tag created by Gabi and BooksABlog

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

What I've Been Reading (Outbox March 22, 2017)

My outbox posts don’t usually span multiple months. I must be behind! Or ahead. Depending which month you are looking at… This is really the total books I’ve read between mid- January and now, because I basically did all Feature posts in February. I only did one review!

Despite all that, this one is going to be a quickie. Because I’ve got shit ta do!

Saturday, March 18, 2017

And I Call Myself a Book Blogger!?

Once again, Hobby 2 has interfered with Hobby 1. This is assuming that books are hobby 1 by default and seniority, because theatre is definitely bucking for the spot light based on time.

Sister Act through the Rochester Association of Performing Arts ran for the first two weekends in March, which means that the last two weeks of February were also a bust for anything resembling a normal life or book- reading and blogging. I didn't even do a February wrap up post! What kind of book blogger am I!?

I did finish a couple of audiobooks during commutes. I thoroughly enjoyed Alan Cumming's memoir, Not My Father's Son, about his adult- self remembering and then coming to terms with the abusive relationship he had with his father when he was a child. I always love when authors read their own books. 

The show was amazing, by the way. Here's some pics for your eyeballs' pleasure:

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Book Review: Dr. Fell and the Playground of DOOM

I received a copy of this book for free in exchange for being awesome. Also, I believe that Mr. Neilson was hoping for a review. Now, if you follow my periodic ramblings, you know that I decided not to accept review requests because I haven’t generally enjoyed the experience of “Reading on Demand.” But LOOK AT THIS BOOK!

Obviously I said yes.