Friday, April 22, 2016

A Place to Start: What I Blog About

I post about a lot of different things. Below is just a way to organize in my head the kinds of things I post about. If I knew how to, these headings would probably be the tabs across the top of the page (updated: I think I figured that out! but am still not doing it) that lead you to different things around my blog. But I don't... or I do... but that seems like more work than this... so, here ya go!
Book Reviews:
I usually do full reviews (a post that is dedicated to a single book) when I have time, especially if I really enjoyed a book. I thought about listing out the books that I have done full reviews on... but I just can't bring myself to do it. I mean, how do people keep up with updating that!? Have you seen that some people list them by genre and alphabet and all that?! It's nuts. Here is the Goodreads shelf that I add all books to when I review them. At this writing, I have reviewed about 30 books. If you'd like me to review a book, please contact me via twitter or email at kacophani at gmail dot com. If it's paranormal and/or YA or PNR, I will probably say yes.
Outbox and Recap Posts:
Outbox posts are summary posts of a set of books I've recently read. Monthly recaps may be part of them or a separate thing. Both usually include mini-reviews of my favorites and/or least favorites during that time and links to any full reviews I've done. I try to post at least one per month to recap the whole month. I usually do two, one in the middle of the month and one at the end.

Themed Posts:
Page Turners:
I am starting a new thing where I post about books that I think are good recommendations for people who ask me to randomly recommend a book. My plan is to do these every few months. 

Top Ten Tuesday 
TTT is a  thing that was started by Broke and Bookish. My goal is to do at least one a month. I have decided that I don't actually have to post it on time. Because I never do.
Themed Thursday:
Sometimes I call these Three on a Theme, sometimes I call them Three Themed Thursday. It's a mess. I'm a mess. But you get the idea. These are posts that all fit into some random theme I came up with for that post. Ideally, I'll do one of these a month, but realistically, they will be every month or so:

Other Random Things:
Related Posts:

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