Wednesday, April 20, 2016

What I've Been Reading (Outbox 4/20/2016)

Super super super busy month. The show I'm in (Charlotte's Web) opened last weekend, so last week was tech week. It's been fun but time consuming.
There are no real highlights of this outbox because I've really liked everything I've read this month so far. Here are a couple of thoughts about each:

The Wishing Spell by Chris Colfer: I bet this is meant to be for middle grade. It is a wonderful fairy tale mingled adventure ride that follows twins who have fallen into their grandmother's story book.

I plan to give Razorhurst it's own review post, though the farther out I get from that, the less and less likely it becomes. Razorhurst is the story of many people living the rough life of mob affiliation in 1932. Guns are outlawed and straight razors are king. And, the ghosts are noisy as hell. I love gritty young adult.

The Raven Boys was a reread so I can be fully immersed in the sensations when I read the final book of this series which drops next week. I'm on the waiting list for the audiobook for the second one right now. Luckily, my mind is full of other crap so I can't obsess about it right now.

Reviews already posted for April:
Orbiting Jupiter by Gary Schmidt
Unspoken by Sarah Rees Brennan
Currently Reading: 
I've got three books in progress right now, which feels kind of like a lie. But go with it, okay? I'm doing a review post for the blog tour for The Double by Alison Brodie. Whoot! Being more involved with other blogs, bloggers, and the book community was one of my #BlogGoals for 2016. So there ya go. My date to post is April 29th. Plenty of time.
I'm also reading One Plus One for my book club which meets on April 30th. My current audiobook for commute is The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas. I've also got several books that I need to read before they are due to the library!!!! AAAAHHH!!

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