Tuesday, June 5, 2018

About Me, Now

I tend to blog my reviews for books that I liked, rather than those I didn't care much for. I do write something about all books I read on Goodreads. I'm trying to get better about posting reviews on Amazon for small press books, but I lack follow through. Please feel free to contact me through this blog, my Twitter, or my Goodreads account with review requests. My "review policy" is that I read what I want, I review what I want, and I'm going to say what I actually think about the book regardless of who you are. I will say it nicer if I've met you in person, probably, but there are no guarantees

Keep reading for more about me, if you dare... MUUAHAHHAA... just kidding. It's not that great. 
This post is mostly updated from my previous about me page that I wrote 3 or so years ago. I’m much better now. Probably.

This About Me page is to conform to the blogger tradition of having an About Me page. Also, I enjoy talking about myself. Feel free to continue reading it or to click here to something more interesting.

I'm Kenya. I'm 41, as of this posting. I have two mostly-able-to-adult-sometimes daughters. I was born in Lousidiana, grew up in Dallas, did graduate school in Arkansas, and now live close to Rochester, NY.

I both love and hate Rochester; I love my job and hate the variability in the weather. My life is actually pretty awesome. I spend most of my days doing things that I really like doing with people I really like. I drink too much coffee, I rarely exercise and I don't sleep enough. What's not to love! 
Over the last couple of years, I have gotten active in the bookish and the theatre communities of Rochester. I am someone who has many shallow interests but books and theater are deep interests and sometimes I can be a little over the top.

I tend to read a lot of Young Adult books. This is probably because I have the attention span of a teenager and YA books tend to move quickly and have more action. But I enjoy a wide range of books, really. I decided to start blogging because it seems like fun. Writing about the books I read also helps me remember the books for longer. I kind of get book amnesia and source confusion BIG TIME about a month after reading a book.

I periodically think of regular theme or feature that I want to make a persistent blog thing for me to do. Then I write a few of them and then I stop. I still love them and the ideas, but once it feels like an assignment, I’m done. A couple of those have been:

I have continued ideas about making a blog specifically about the use of and representation of mental health in books, but I’m not sure I want to sully my reading by making it about work. I will occasionally cross the streams, however. Click here for an example from way back.

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  1. I love this! And as someone who regularly thinks of things I want to blog but then don't, I relate deeply to that part of your post as well as the part about the lack of follow through.

    1. Akilah!! How the heck are you!? No promises about posting regularly again. How's things on your end of the interwebs?
