Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Reading Challenges - Update for Short Challenges

Here's a post of all the Reading Challenges I'm doing for 2016. This current post is just an update on the ones that have a time limit. 

Tower Teams IV: Tower Teams is OVER! A winner was crowned yesterday (1/24/2016).  For those who don't know, The Tower Teams challenges are hosted/ organized through Novel Books and Reading Challenges group on Goodreads. The goal is for a team to get to 25,000 points, gathered by reading books that fit in certain categories or criteria.
Our team came in 4th for most improved, whatever that means, and 14th (which was the middle) for the overall point score. It was a lot of fun and super challenging to keep up with all the activity in the group. The challenge is full of mini-challenges and Book of the Month participation. It was crazy. I had originally volunteered as team co-captain but had to step down because I had no idea what was going on. 

Because there were so many categories and you get points based on the number of pages you read, regardless, I just focused on reading the books I wanted to read and they almost always counted towards something. This must have been an okay strategy, because I basically came in second within the group. We had one chick we was a rock star. For example, I read 46 books as part of the challenge (tied with two other teammates). The Super Star read 75 books. I also read the second highest number of pages and got the second highest number of total points. It was a totally fun reading group and I might participate in another one.

14n4 - This is the Facebook Challenge group that I "run." It's a challenge to read 14 books in 4 months. January is the third month, so February is the last month to finish all the categories. I've got 4 books to go to complete the challenge I think, because I FAILED to read the book club book that would have counted as my Memoir book. I also have left: a book with Fall or Winter in the title and a microhistory. I refuse to read that one about Salt. I CANNOT!

Rochester Teen Book Festival- Mission: TBFLive is alive in my thoughts, but I have only read one book towards the goal: Better Nate than Ever by Tim Federle. I have however created my tracking sheet... and isn't that like totally half the battle? I also put several books on hold at the library. So, I'm totally doing it! One of my pitfalls last year was getting caught up in multiple books by the same author when I found someone that I liked... but that's really not a pitfall, in the long run, is it? For example, A.S. King became a favorite author last year and her Go Ask the Passengers was a book I read after reading one for the challenge. Similarly, I have already put another book by Federle on hold. But it has the word Tequila in the title, so duh.

A few of the TBF authors are returning, so at least I feel a little ahead. :) #delusional

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