Monday, February 29, 2016

The Great 2016 Classic Children's Lit ReRead Extravaganza (update and outbox)

My predilection for childhood favorites continues. I've read four this month via audiobook. They are perfect for the commute to and from work. It's interesting to read old favorites as "a different person." Charlotte's Web is still sad, though. 

Each of these has seen at least one screen version. It's too late for me to see them, now obviously. I do not see movies based on books that I like... Here's me every time I try to get on board with a movie adaptation:

But I digress:

A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'Engle:
Thoughts while reading: I LOVE THIS BOOK! It is so wonderful. I see why I loved it as a child HOLY CRAP WHAT IS GOING ON!?
Later: So... science fiction isn't really by thing, and apparently I totally blocked out the disembodied floating head. Now, it just reminds me of the same from Futurama, which is way funnier than this book. Which is not a comedy. :) This is CLASSIC science fiction for kids and someone on twitter said it was their gateway Sci/Fi. I totally get that!

Little Women by Louisa May Alcott:
Thoughts while reading: Has this book always been so long? I'm pretty sure someone dies in this... Kirsten Dunst, maybe... which one was she? This mom really has her shit together. I need to remember some of this advice. Awww... Laurie. I'm so glad that Jo ends up with him... wait.
Later: I've never seen either of the movies. And will not. As you know: I don't do that.
Look how the screencaps make it seem like it's going to go along with the book. I WILL NOT BE FOOLED BY HOLLYWOOD'S TRICKERY!! 

Charlotte's Web by E.B. White:
Thoughts while reading: Hmm. I forgot he lived at a different farm. Oh, that Templeton! (my favorite character). I don't remember the other animals being such jerks, in general. That goose!! What a nut! SOOBBB!! CHARLOTTE!!
Later: I will love this book for all of time. I'm currently cast in the children's show and will be using puppets! Yes! 

The Tales of Despereaux by Kate DiCamillo:
Thoughts while reading: Heh heh... ha ha!! Hee! oooo!! Soup!!
Later: I thought I didn't finish this the first time, but I totally did. A truly cute, adorable little fairy tale that I will reread again, I'll bet. The movie poster and screen shots make this seem like a good movie, too... but I've been suckered before! I have to stick to my guns on this! NO MOVIE ADAPTATIONS!! I also recommend Ms. DiCamillo's Flora and Ulysses if you enjoy children's books. 

Coming Soon:
Peter Pan and The Three Musketeers are in the queue but they are behind a couple of Book Challenge Reads. 

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