Saturday, December 30, 2017

Three Star Reads - 2017

All of the #BestBooks of 2017 posts have inspired me to consider the worst books I’ve read this year. Worst is relative, right?

The best way I know to do this is to look at the stuff I DNF’d (posted yesterday) and the books with my lowest ratings.

One of my book goals this year was to give more 3- star ratings, because it's a good score, it just *feels* mean. As it turns out, 3 stars was the lowest rating I gave. This means that even my “worst books” were not that bad. They just weren’t at the top of the pile for me.

Friday, December 29, 2017

Books I DNFd in 2017

All of the Best Books of 2017 posts have inspired me to consider the worst books I’ve read this year.

My goal at the beginning of the year was to DNF more books because last year I felt like I was finishing books I didn’t like, just for the sake of… I don’t know. For no reason.

So, these are the books I added to my Did Not Finish shelf on goodreads. I created this shelf so that I could stop picking up books I had tried and hated.

Note: I also have a shelf for DNF books that I want to come back to, for when I run out of time on a library loan or I think I'm just not in the right head space for the content or something. These are not those books. (I actually just moved some of these over to the other shelf as I'm reviewing them. I was deluding myself.)

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Meredith's Book Club - 2017 Wrap up post

Meredith’s book club is my “regular” book club. It’s what most people think about when they think of books clubs. A group of people who know each other in various ways get together. Pairs of us are friends in different settings, outside of book club and we all basically like each other so we might talk about doing non-book related things together too, sometimes. Sometimes we actually do it. Each person hosts at their house and picks the book for that time. Sometimes, everyone reads the book, most of the time at least two people don’t read it.

We’ve got six members now, having lost one person this year to whatever else she would prefer to be doing. It happens. She was one of the women who almost always read the book, though. But she also came out of her face with some annoying ass shit, so pros and cons. Bye.

For 2016, I did two posts: one for books I read and one for books I didn’t read [linked]. This time I’m just going to put them all in this one post. Because lazy. 

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

What I've Been Reading and How the Hell I'm Gonna Read Harder

I am working “frantically” to finish the Read Harder challenge over the next week. How could I have read so many books and still have categories unsatisfied for this damn challenge!? I guess, this is the point of doing a challenge: to expand what I’d typically read. But I’ve read about 7 books in the last 3 weeks!!!! I’m ridiculous. I'm also on the brink of quitting so that I can start thinking about 2018 challenge. Because that makes sense. ::eye roll emoji::

But, whatever. Here are my favorites over the last few weeks. No real surprise that my favorites are parts of series I've been loving.

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Read Harder Progress - November

I’ve gone from being ahead to sucking. I have books checked out from the library that will satisfy 4 of these… AM I GOING TO MAKE IT!?

Oh gawd how I hate travel memoirs and short stories! ::Shakes fist::

Read a book about war.
Read an LGBTQ+ romance novel.
Everything Leads to You (April)
Read a book you’ve read before.

Read a collection of poetry in translation on a theme other than love.
Read a book about sports.
JUBA (October)
Read a book that has been banned or frequently challenged in your country.
The Outsiders (April)
Read a book that is set within 100 miles of your location.

Read a book wherein all point-of-view characters are people of color.

Read a book that is set more than 5000 miles from your location.

Read a superhero comic with a female lead.
Read a fantasy novel.
Read a book published by a micropress.

Read an all-ages comic.
Read a book in which a character of color goes on a spiritual journey.

Read a debut novel.
Read a book published between 1900 and 1950.
Read a book about books.
Read a nonfiction book about technology.
Read a classic by an author of color.
Read a collection of stories by a woman.

Read a book set in Central or South America, written by a Central or South American author.

Read a travel memoir.
Read a book by an immigrant or with a central immigration narrative.
DROWN – Junot Diaz (March)
Read a YA or middle grade novel by an author who identifies as LGBTQ+.
Everything Leads to You (April)

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Where, Oh Where are My Must Read Vibes?

Each year, rather than choosing a “best of” book list, I put things on a “Must Reads” shelf on goodreads. This is an ongoing list of books that I think are really good and worth recommending to EVERYONE I come across. They don’t have to be published in the current year and can be any genre. 

Of the 119 books I've read so far for 2017, I've only marked 8 of them as #mustreads. Last year there were 22. In 2015, there were 20 including YA and non-YA favorites. I feel like maybe ’17 me is being too stingy or bitter or something. I don't feel like I've read fewer good books, in general. Was I more generous in past years? Am I getting less thrilled by the books that I read or am I not picking books that thrill me as often? 

I also think I have been reading more series, which rarely make it onto the list. I should reconsider that!! 

I did post in June about some favorite YALit for this year. (Excuse the lack of pictures. There was a situation.) So, obviously I've read some good stuff!!

Anyway. Stay tuned for how my final 2017 list ends up. What books would be on your must read recommendation list for 2017.

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

What I've Been Reading: November

I’ve been relying pretty heavily on audio-books, lately. At one time, I only read them while driving and read printed books at home, but I’ve been just letting the audio book do it’s thing at home more and more. This is really a testament to the books I've been reading, to. Some books are harder to put on hold than others. This feels a little bit like cheating at my reading. Not because I don’t think audiobooks are "real" reading, but because I’m usually listening to them while working on other things, which seems somehow disrespectful to stories when I should be focusing on a book… does that even make sense!? No!! I think, though, reading as a multi-task activity feels like it defeats the purpose of reading, sometimes.

Anywhoo. Incoherent rambling aside, I’ve complete 7 books in November so far. Here's the highlight reel

Monday, November 6, 2017

(Local) Broadway to Books: Hunchback of Notre Dame

The Hunchback of Notre Dame is a classic, am I right!? Yes. I am right. I recently read the book in anticipation of seeing this musical. Don’t ask me why I’m so ready to include musical theatre in my Approved Interpretation lists but not movies. But. There we are.
Hunchback is about a man of the church (arch bishop?) who adopts a deformed baby who becomes the bell ringer of a great French cathedral… Notre Dame. Duh. Stories vary about from whom and for why he adopts the kiddo but all sources agree that he's verbally abusive and over-controlling. The Arch-bishop becomes upset with a dirty gypsy woman who falls in love with a captain of the guard. As you might expect when a man of power loves someone who doesn't love him, hijinks ensue. As you might expect from Victor Hugo, people die. 

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Book Tag: Charlotte's Web

Pingback to creator (ReviewsMayVary) ALWAYS! (That's me!)
Link back to the person who tagged you and thank them.
Answer the questions (find them here)
Tag 3+ people, don’t kill the tag!

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

(Local) Broadway to Books: Sweeney Todd

Happy All Hallows Eve! I've got the perfect Broadway to Books post for such an occasion!

Sweeney Todd is one of the first musicals I saw recorded on stage and I loved it. So, it holds a special place in my heart. Plus you know I love a story with a little twist at the end. In Sweeney, Benjamin Barker returns to Fleet Street after being jailed to find that his wife is dead and his daughter has joined the household of his enemy. He is consumed by rage and revenge. Along with a shop- owner who makes the worst pies in London, he hatches a plan to get close enough to the people who wronged him.

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Book Tag - Charlotte's Web (Origin Post)

My first book tag! Though, I did do a theatre tag once before. Anyway. Answer some book questions inspired by Charlotte’s Web, my favorite children’s book about death. Link back to this post, please! Also, if you drop me a comment, I'd love to come check out your answers!

Pingback to creator (ReviewsMayVary) ALWAYS!
Link back to the person who tagged you and thank them!
Answer the questions!
Tag 3+ people!

Monday, October 23, 2017

Book Review: All American Boys by Jason Reynolds and Brendan Kiely

[I have no idea why this post thinks it's new. I wrote it back in 2016]

The authors of this book were at Book Riot Live last year participating in a panel about writing with a co-author, or something like that. Jason Reynolds was already one of my Secret Author Boyfriends ever since he was at the Rochester Teen Book Festival last year, but shhhh, as the name suggests, it's a secret.

If you get the chance to see either of these men on tour, do it. If they are together, it's worth camping out to get in. Top quotes from this Book Riot Live panel:

Wednesday, October 18, 2017


I’m in the process of changing over to a new blog name! Also, I added the follow button (to the right). Follow me!

Also, apparently while updating, I deleted all the picture files in the archives. I will add them back in to some of the more recent posts. But let's have a moment of silence for all the posts that will now look stupid without pictures forevermore. ::moment of silence::

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Book Review: George by Alex Gino

How about a wee book review for George by Alex Gino. Great for #NationalComingOutDay, which today is!

George is a 4th grader who knows that she is a girl, despite what her outside body looks like. This year, her class is putting on Charlotte’s Web. You know how I feel about books with theatre references, y'all! George desperately wants to play the title role, even though she knows that some people will say she shouldn’t because they don’t know that she is a girl.

Monday, October 9, 2017

Book Review - The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas

Welp. Here’s another book that left me a blubbering mess. The other one was earlier this week. Maybe it’s just me, but I don’t think so.

The Hate U Give has gotten a lot of great book buzz. I knew a bit about the main story line and I honestly wasn’t in the mood for a book about another teen death, with civil rights oriented content or otherwise. Seriously, yall. Make sure you are taking care of your own emotional wellness!


Thursday, October 5, 2017

Clear A Shelf 3 - Running Post (Probably)

This is going to be one of those running posts for a challenge. Hopefully, it won’t be like most of the other ones that I have had in which you can see the exact moment I stopped tracking whatever the challenge goal was.

This one is for my current Clear A Shelf Challenge

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Book Review: A List of Cages by Robin Roe

I’m already cheating at my own challenge. The point of the ClearASHelf challenge is for me to focus on books that I own. However, to make it more inclusive, books that have been on a virtual shelf can count, too. So, I’m not really cheating, I’m just violating The Spirit of the challenge. This confession absolves me from all feelings of guilt.

Let’s talk about this book, shall we? There may be spoilers, alas, so proceed as you dare.

Thursday, September 28, 2017

What I've Been Reading - September 2017

I have only complete 6 books this month! Mostly because I’ve only done audio-books and haven’t had much time to read through the eyeballs. Check out my post fromyesterday if you don’t believe me! Luckily, I'm ahead of schedule for my book goal for the year. 

Also on the plus side, I did get an opportunity to use my puppet on stage! I'm actually thinking they may need their own instagram or something. Because I think the people need more #CustardThePuppetTroll.

Here's what I read, though.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

September Wrap Up or Why I Sucked at Posting This Month

Well. Look at that. It’s time for a September wrap up post. Also known as the only possibly - book related post of September!
It’s been a bit of a busy month. This post is just to share about what I’ve been doing to justify to myself why I’ve barely posted anything this month. My post scheduled for tomorrow will be what I’ve been reading.
Note: this picture of a cicada shell has nothing to do with anything. I just needed a picture for before the page break and this one is cool. Still figuring out how to use this damn Canon.

Friday, September 15, 2017

Clear A Shelf - October 2017

This is the third time I’m doing a month – long challenge to focus on books that I already own.

Here’s the wrap up post from last time, which shows my meager success and includes how the others did, as well. 

I have decided to do it all again for October!

This time I am determined to not check out any additional books from the library through this month in order to be in a good place for the challenge.

I have changed no rules. 

Monday, August 28, 2017

Bout of Books 20: Recap Post

This, as expertly indicated in the title of the post, is my recap post for Bout of Books 20!! 
And here's the link to the master post with running updates if you are so inclined. [And Here]

I read some thing every single day, which I think is part of the goal of the Bout. I did a couple of chats and cheered on my fellow bouters on twitter! I'm definitely looking forward to the next one and hope that it doesn't take me a year to get back to the fun!

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Bout of Books 20: Challenge - Synopsis Rewrite

Interesting challenge, technically for yesterday but I forgot to check: Rewrite a book synapses from a different characters POV #synopsisrewritebob20

I’ll do The Girls, which I just finished.
The book is originally told from the point of view of Evie, a girl from a dairy town in California whose grandmother was a semi-famous actress. Her life is mostly boring and she’s ready to shake things up. When she falls in love with a young woman, Suzanne, who is already in the upper echelon of a "cult," Evie is sucked into a whole different life. She's not used to attention or having her own needs met in any thoughtful way. 

Monday, August 21, 2017

Bout of Books 20: Master Post

It’s been over a year since I’ve done a Bout, which definitely seems too long. I haven't done any in 2017, yet! WTAF!? I’m planning to invade all the twitter chats, stalk the hashtag, and root for my twitter peeps anyway, so I might as well sign up. Here it is, then. The sign up post! This is the master post that I will update, theoretically on a daily basis. 
I have a number (about 9) books checked out from the library that I want to get done with. I don't think I'll get through all nine but my plan is to focus on those first. Of course, I might change my mind completed tomorrow. I'm whimsical like that.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

The Card Catalog: The Book AND The Experience

The Book
The Card Catalog: Books, Cards, and Literary Treasures by the Library of Congress –

This book takes you through the history and evolution of the card catalog. Apparently, people were attempting to catalog their books using cuneiform! And one early iteration used playing cards because of their uniform size and shape. This book was recommended to me by a friend of mine who is a librarian. She was super excited about it. I can’t say that I was quite as excited but it was really interesting. There are tons of pictures of early catalog cards and original books covers for classic books. I'm using this book for my non-fiction book about technology for the Read Harder challenge

The Experience
I recently purchased an old catalog cabinet from a lady on Craiglist. My kickass daughter helped me get it into the house. Praise the universe for whoever decided to put it on wheels, otherwise it would be an outdoor card catalog. I am in the process of refreshing the stain and glossing the drawers. I shoulda just left it as it was because it has 69 drawers! (three were broken, thank god)

The book definitely inspired me to keep working on my cabinet for a while longer when I was running out of steam. I’m looking forward to figuring out what the hell I’m going to do with it. So is hubbo.

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Mini-Reviews: We Are Okay and You're Welcome, Universe

Here’s a wee post on a couple of cute little slice- of- life books I’ve read recently. They both feature diverse protagonists that aren’t trying to be diverse. They are just being teens/ young adults and trying to live their lives.

Monday, August 7, 2017

Series Review: Daughter of Smoke and Bone

Ok, yall know that there is no way that I’m going to remember which events happened in which one of these books so proceed with caution knowing that it’s possible I will spoil something. However! I am going to try to talk broadly and briefly about the series as a whole.
The Daughter of Smoke and Bones series is a completed trilogy by Laini Taylor. I think that the author has a well- deserved reputation for her vivid writing and world building. She takes the time to paint a picture in your mind without being

Thursday, July 27, 2017

July Recap, Part 2: Shows

It might seem a little early for a July wrap up post, it’s only the 26th. But I figured I would write it while the mood was upon me. And I’m going to split it up a little between books I’ve read (posted yesterday) and shows I’ve seen. So this is part 2 – Shows!

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

July Recap, Part 1: Books

It might seem a little early for a July wrap up post, it’s only the 26th. But I figured I would write it while the mood was upon me. And I’m going to split it up a little between books I’ve read and shows I’ve seen. So this is part 1 – Books! (The other one will be about theatre. duh) 

So, let me tell you about what I've been reading.

Friday, July 7, 2017

Three on a Theme: Books I Recently Cried Over

Alright! Three books for when you feel the need to wipe tears off your face. I would say that these books, like all books, probably hit people in very different ways depending on their own lives. For each, I had overwhelming needs to stop reading and text my children.

I've also noticed that for myself, an adult who often reads YA, I tend to notice the adults (and their behavior) in a story much more so that I actively attended to as a younger reader. And I really think about how important it is to have good adult representation in books.

Speaking of, they each get a wee #WNDB sticker from me!

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Best MG/YA of 2017 So Far! (Top Ten Tuesday)

It’s about that time for a mid-year check in! Of course, its almost the end of June and it’s unbelievable how fast the year has gone already. But doesn’t everyone say that? Isn’t it really funny how we are always just so shocked and betrayed at how time passes… It's also funny how often I find this gif appropriate for a post. 
But I digress.

So, this post is going to be about the best books I’ve read so far in 2017. By coincidence, that’s the topic for Top Ten Tuesday (link to host's page) so I’ll see if I can get to ten of them and that will be two proverbial dead birds!

I was going to do a combined Adult/YA list, but I had 10 YA favorites. I’ll do a short list of adult fiction/ nonfiction for tomorrow. (update: I didn't do an adult post.)

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

What I've Been Reading (Outbox June 21)

I’ve only done one blog post this month. I basically suck. I would say that there’s been more time to write than usual I just haven’t had really anything to blog about. Is this that rut thing that people keep talking about?

I signed up for a Blog Hop challenge with Herding Cats and failed miserably! I didn’t make it all the way through the participants twice, which was the goal. Boooooo to me!

Monday, June 5, 2017

Mixed Feelings: When the author has a "past"

So I had a bit of a crisis of character while reading If I Was Your Girl. While looking for confirmation that this was an #ownvoices book (it is), I ran across a couple of news articles about the author. According to the articles,  (prior to transition I think) was accused of assaulting and abusing her wife at the time and there was a restraining order.

Now, here’s the thing.

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

May Recap, in Pictures!

Jeez. When was the last time I did a wrap up post? Perhaps this is a whole new leaf I’m turning over! Just kidding.

I don’t really want to do a whole recap post… so here’s a barrage of pictures!! I might come back and break this up into smaller bite- size pieces… but probably not.


Thursday, May 18, 2017

Mini-Reviews: Behind Closed Doors and The Girl on the Train (Book Club Picks)

Already The Girl on the Train and Behind Closed Doors are mingling in my mind and they are not even that similar. It would be hard for me to really talk about them without giving away the stories as they are both psych-thrillers and I have a big-ass mouth with loose boundaries.

I’ll just say that they are probably both good for Book Club options because there are characters with questionable behaviors which always spark those "Bad things for the right reasons and good things for the wrong reasons" discussions. It always ends with everyone feeling a little superior. Neither are good options if one of your book club goals is to read about a non- white person. Or to like men. Either way, add wine.

Friday, May 12, 2017

RocTBF Mini-Reviews: Fat Angie and Melt

Two more books read for #MissionRocTBF! I already know I'm not gonna hit my goal AGAIN this year but I'm just gonna keep on keeping on.

Books in this post: