Monday, August 21, 2017

Bout of Books 20: Master Post

It’s been over a year since I’ve done a Bout, which definitely seems too long. I haven't done any in 2017, yet! WTAF!? I’m planning to invade all the twitter chats, stalk the hashtag, and root for my twitter peeps anyway, so I might as well sign up. Here it is, then. The sign up post! This is the master post that I will update, theoretically on a daily basis. 
I have a number (about 9) books checked out from the library that I want to get done with. I don't think I'll get through all nine but my plan is to focus on those first. Of course, I might change my mind completed tomorrow. I'm whimsical like that.
Up first
I've got these two books ready to go. Plus, I just started The Girls, by Emma Cline on audiobook on my way in to work today. It might actually expire before I can finish it. 

****************Running Posts****************
What did I read 
*Print Book: Fedgling by Octavia Butler, 237 pages
*Audiobook: The Girls, 22.5%

Challenge: #InSixWords 
*Posted on twitter: Awesome #BookBeast with too many hobbies #InSixWords #boutofbooks (#BookBeast is definitely one word, y'all!)

What did I read:
*Print Book: Fedgling by Octavia Butler, 87 pages DONE
*Audiobook: The Girls, 52.5% (186 pages)

Challenge: Synopsis Rewrite [link] #synopsisrewritebob20

What did I read:
*Print: Library of Fates by Adita Khorana (10 pages)
*Audiobook: The Girls, 26% (92 pages) DONE

Challenge: #BookSpineRainbow 
What did I read: 
*Print: Library of Fates 
*Audiobook: The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan 

Challenge: If you like this, then that. I'm not totally sure what this challenge is about, but it seems like a great time to promote my feature series: Broadway to Books where i make book recommendations based on the themes of my favorite Musicals! Click the graphic to check it out.

What did I read:
* Audiobook: Lost Hero of Olympus by Rick Riordan 
Challenge: Do a Review. I didn't do this one. But here's a link to a review I've done in the past, one of my favorite books: Razorhurst by Justine Larbalestier. 

What did I read: Lost Hero of Olympus (Finished; 557 total)
Challenge: Who do you love to hate? I love to hate Snape, mostly because everyone else seems to love him, justify his wretchedness, and fawn all over his dumb "always" thing. Bleh. 

What did I read: 
*Print: Still reading Library of Fates. Or am I?
*Audio: Chivalry by Neil Gaiman (DONE); Lily and the Octopus (42%, 128 pages)
Challenge: Keep Reading!

Previous Readathons:


  1. In the Tweet chat with you now - nice blog!

  2. Awesome Books to Read! I couldn't really get into Girls, but it may have worked better as an audio book. Awesome blog it is not boring!
    Tori @ In Tori Lex
