Friday, July 10, 2015

Requested Recommendations: Laura (Page Turners)

This is a list of recommendations for someone who asked me to recommend a couple of books for them. She likes happy endings, though occasional tears are ok. Realistic fiction or nonfiction. She reads about one book a year and wants something "good" and "meaningful." No pressure, right?

The Rosie Project: This one has gotten a lot of press as a good book club pick. It's the story of a scientist who is developing a questionnaire to find his perfect match while simultaneously trying to help a new friend find her father. The main character reminds almost everyone of Sheldon Cooper from The Big Bang Theory. Apparently, it is or is soon going to be a movie.

They Cage the Animals at Night: This book is a tear- jerker. A young boy in the foster system is the main character of this survival memoir. There are many moments of hope. Apparently, they make middle school children read this in some schools. Why, though? I feel like kids would totally miss the good parts. The writing isn't perfect but it really works. It was great.

The First Phone Call from Heaven: What happens to a small town that starts recieving phone calls from heaven? And are the calls even real? bum bum buummmm.

Going through my recent books has really shown me how few "happy" books I read. Maybe that's why I'm so sour!!

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