Thursday, April 23, 2015

Faves So Far (April 2015)

It's World Book Day! I swear I didn't even know that was a thing. Now, it's like, my Favorite thing! Until Rochester Teen Book Festival, which I can't stop babbling about. If you live in the area, go to the website and

In honor of this highest holidays, meant to promote reading, publishing, and copyright I have been reflecting on my favorite reads so far for 2015.

You should already know about Penumbra’s 24 Hour Bookstore: which basically made me weep with jealousy over not have a bookstore, a job at google, or a rich friend.

Two other books I thoroughly enjoyed were Landline by Rainbow Rowell and The Future of Us by Jay Asher. I group them together because they each have a bit of a time jumping element thing. Great fun! Plus, they give you some grist for the old “what would I do” mill.

Time warp! Pic found at:

Kendare Blake’s Anna Dressed in Blood and it’s sequel (the name escapes me right now) were surprise hits. I’m not sure why I was surprised. I actually have a draft for a post just about them.

And finally, for those who like books for grownups, by grownups and about grownups: A Tale for the Time Being by Ruth Ozeki. Again, a time ripple book. That must totally be my thing!!

Oopps.... library is closing.... BBYYYYYEE!!

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