Thursday, February 9, 2017


This post was going to be a review for The Diabolic by S.J. Kincaid but then turned into a rant about the quarterly YA box I can’t seem to get rid of.

The Diabolic has been on my shelf for almost a year, I think. I received it in the first Quarterly.Co YA book box, a subscription that replaced the previous YA book box from Book Riot. I was planning to cancel my subscription, anyway, because I prefer to get the stuff in boxes rather than the books in boxes. But when Book Riot announced their subscription was coming to an end anyway, I figured I’d let it ride for the last two and that would be that. But apparently they started a new YA box several months later and signed me up for the new product automatically. Obviously, that is bullshit and I was ENRAGED, but not so enraged that I went through the trouble of cancelling the damn subscription. Because, as usual, figuring out how to get out of things on the internet was much harder than getting in to it in the first place. I just got the 3rd box, that’s how my efforts went. I’ve attempted to have my password reset a few times and nothing!

Now, I love book mail and this box subscription usually comes with a couple of books and a couple of bookish items. It’s curated by the author of the featured book. HERE’s THE PROBLEM:

Yes, those are sticky notes stuck into places in the book with notes from the author about inspiration or thoughts or whatever. I’m sure that I am not alone in this torn rollercoaster featuring the primary emotional poles of 1)COOL and 2) HOW THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSED TO READ THIS!? Obviously, I’m not going to take the stickies out of the book. Am I wrong in this? The stickies are now part of the book, amIRight?

So here’s what I did; I borrowed the damn book from the library. Once I read it, it was neat to go back and look at the comments from the author. And, since I liked the book, the book is a neat item to have. But the whole thing has renewed my motivation to cancel this damn subscription.

The other two books I have that will be super cool to own AFTER I read a different copy of the book are: A World without You by Beth Revis and The Edge of Everything by Jeff Giles. Both sound great. I may never know.

Two Asides:

I enjoyed The Diabolic. The concept is interesting though the story is fairly predictable. I may be reading too many of this kind of book all at once, though.

I currently have a subscription to the Bookish Box from Appraising Pages and I mostly love it. 

1 comment:

  1. This is hilarious, esp. the part about you having to check the book out to read a clean copy. And, yes, it's infuriating how hard it is to get out of stuff on the internet.
