Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Book Buzzwords: I’m reading THAT (Top Ten Tuesday)

I saw this topic on a blog that was really cute and interesting and made a note to myself to write about it. I would love to credit that blog but I haven’t the foggiest idea what/ where/ who, nothing! Whoever you are, mysterious stranger, thanks for the topic idea!

I’m going to try for 10 words for a Freebie Top Ten Tuesday post.
Obviously, some of these are Buzz phrases, but let’s not get too technical, okay?

I think you’ll recognize the pattern pretty quickly:

1. Fairy Queen (not princesses as much. Weird, huh?)

2. Magical War (and/or newfound magical ability)
3. Monster and Ghost Slayers

4. Hot Cowboy (next door)

5. Discovers a Secret

6. Maggie Steifvater – technically, this is an author’s name. Other buzz names are: Holly Black, Neil Gaiman, Cinda Chima

7. Book, bookstore, library - I love books about bookish things. Added points if the book or book place is possibly magical or holds a secret.

8. Paranormal romance (especially if there are vampires, werewolves, or other shape-shifter types). 
9. Cheesy smut lines (especially in the context of number 4 or number 7)
10. On the streets of [insert major city name] – I love urban settings, especially urban fantasy, so am often intrigued by those  stories set in NYC, Detroit, etc. Interestingly, I am also drawn to "in a small Southern town."

11. Bonus Buzz words: Fairy Tale retellings
See the pattern? I’m mostly a fantasy reader! I also enjoy non fantasy books but I’m not sure what really turns me onto more realistic fiction. I guess I love any story with strong relationships that overcome conflict. But if there is a wizard and a kissy scene, that makes it better!

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1 comment:

  1. Oh, this is cool. Mine are definitely friendship, family, teen pregnancy, and...I would need time to think of some others.
