Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Writing Prompt - Where I'm From

I did a writing mini- workshop this morning and really liked this Mad Libs activity using the poem Where I’m From by George Ella Lyons. Figured I’d share mine here. Original below. You can also check out Lyons’ web page for a massive international project using her poem.

Where I’m From
-      Kenya’s version 

I am from the vacuum cleaner lines in the carpet,
from Ramen Noodles and slices of cheese product
I am from the surprise of newly green bedroom walls
and the smell of the paint
I am from the sharp stickers in the grass stabbing my feet,
the glower of the sun.

I’m from turkey cooked in dressing and wooden spoons (for cooking or for behinds)
I’m from Helen and Mimi, and checkers I could never win.
I’m from the silent treatment of anger and from 
the always answered call for help.
From coffee will make you black and 
from never be inside someone’s house alone
I’m from the Holy Ghost who sees you when no one else is watching

I’m from too many places to claim just the one, from cornbread and fried catfish.
From the times we’ve overcome, graduating segregated and growing inclusive spaces

I am from the expanse of the fields, the briar patch, the strawberry garden, that damn chicken coop, and the magic of being home wherever you are.


1 comment:

  1. I LOVE THIS. I'm going to use it in my classes next semester.

    "I’m from the Holy Ghost who sees you when no one else is watching" - 100 % relatable content
