Monday, August 28, 2017

Bout of Books 20: Recap Post

This, as expertly indicated in the title of the post, is my recap post for Bout of Books 20!! 
And here's the link to the master post with running updates if you are so inclined. [And Here]

I read some thing every single day, which I think is part of the goal of the Bout. I did a couple of chats and cheered on my fellow bouters on twitter! I'm definitely looking forward to the next one and hope that it doesn't take me a year to get back to the fun!
Total Pages Read: 1380
Total Books Read: 3 and a short story.


The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan (557 pages) – The first in the second Camp Half Blood series following Percy Jackson. I like the series so far, as I knew I would. The story is told with the three main characters in alternating focus.

Chivalry by Neil Gaiman (IDK, let's say 20 pages) – a short story that I listed to on the Lavar Burton reads podcast about an old woman who finds magical items at an old second hand shop.

The Girls by Emma Cline (335 pages) – theoretically this is an edgy book about a girl who gets sucked into a cult because she’s in love with one of the leaders in the group. She befriends the group (kinda) shortly before they plan the ultimate revenge at a famous musician’s home. I used this for Tuesdays Bout ofBooks RewiteASynopsis challenge.

Fledgling by Octavia Butler (320 pages) – this was a great vampire mystery sort of novel about a vampire who wakes up with amnesia. Great world building. However, the highly sexual main character is in the body of a 10 year old child. So. Full stop on that. Luckily, they only mention it every fricking chapter.  

Incomplete Books:

Library of Fates (20 pages) - Based on my own rules of thumb, I must not be that interested in this so far, because I’ve been “Reading” it for almost a week. I can’t even really tell you what it’s about.

Lily and the Octopus (42%) – An interesting story so far about an emotionally stilted man who discovered he could love when he met his dog, Lily. Now Lily is sick and he is basically losing his mind. The man is gay; there’s nothing about the sexuality of the dog.


  1. "there’s nothing about the sexuality of the dog" -- omg, this made me laugh. Your blog is so fun.

    The Riordan series gets better as it goes along.

    1. Thanks for stopping by!! I finished that book and someone was cutting onions too close to me. ::sobbing in memory of sobbing::
