Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Challenge Recap: I Love Libraries 2016

The I Love Libraries Reading Challenge (#ILoveLibraries2016) was hosted by Bea’s Book Nook. The hashtag wasn’t getting much play on Twitter, so either it kind of fizzled out or most people were posting on the -gram or the -Tube. I didn’t really set a goal because most of my books I read come from the library. 

http://beasbooknook.blogspot.com/2015/11/2016-i-love-libraries-reading-challenge.htmlFor this challenge I did not include any of the audiobooks that I listened to through Overdrive but only physical books checked out from the library. I'm also not counting any books that I checked out but then had to return before I could read them. 

This post is basically a testament to the awesomeness that is the Monroe County Library System. 

Here are a couple of favorites: 

And The Trees Crept In by Dawn Kurtagich
The Serpent King by Jeff Zentner 
All American Boys by Jason Reynolds and Brenden Kiely 

Challenge Status
Goal: meh
Completed: 53 (when I wrote this)

Below, in picture blocks, are the Goodreads cover photos for all the books I read from the library this year with highlights and regrets.

Highlights from the Year:
There were many.
·        Tim Federle has secured his place in my heart as a clever, witty author.
·        The Six of Crows duology was bomb.
·        The Unwind series continues to haunt me.

I can't say that I regret any book that I've read (not counting The Sense of an Ending, because seriously). But I was underwhelmed by:
·        Not Working by Lisa Owens 
·        The Anatomy of a Gambler
·        We Eat Our Own

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  1. I haven't kept track of what I've read for a few years and this post inspired me to dig up LibraryThing and update it as I clear my shelf. =)

    1. Yay! I've never used LibraryThing. I've always used Goodreads and I feel too "in" it to switch. Lol.
