Sunday, January 10, 2016

Outbox: Recap for December and the whole damn year (2015)

OK. This is my last post specifically about 2015. I had a couple of different "2015 summary" posts in mind but I've decided this is just going to be it. Last one. I'm done with 2015; It's the 10th for sobbing out loud. So this one's is really two posts in one: the December Outbox (which includes four weeks of reading) and 2015 reflection crap. Enjoy. Or whatever.

I was out of work for December, which was AWESOME. It was due to surgery, which sucked, but I've never had so many off-days strung together before. Consequently, I was able to read a few books more than during a typical month, though not the HUNDREDS that I had planned. What this means for the the year is that I was also able to post more reviews than ever rather than just posting Outbox posts, which are usually recaps of several books at once. But let's wrap up 2015 and move on, shall we?

In 2015, I posted 84 blog posts! Granted, many of these were due to NaBloPoMo, but before 2015 I had written a grand total of 15 blog posts dated 2010 and earlier. So you could say that I jumped right back into blogging with both feet. NaBloPoMo was as a way to get focused on and set a short term goal for posting. My favorite post was me babbling about what I do in my "spare time" but I really like my Three on a Theme posts, too, which aren't all published, yet.

It was also a major reading year; I read about 100 more books than in 2014 (mind = boggled). I also re-read a few old favorites, with mixed results. I usually hate re-reading books, but chock that up to one more thing audiobooks are good for!

Here's my book - recap thingy from from Goodreads. Is it a new thing? I don't remember a "Year in Books" thing from them last year. But I'm senile. 

Oh! That reminds me. I've also gotten much more involved with book-ish others via reading challenges, social media networking, book clubs, and the book blogging community. Love you guys! One goal I have for this year to is spend more time reading and interacting with other bloggers. 

Week 1 Highlights
I am diligently trying to reread the Harry Potter series via audiobook. In December, I finally got The Goblet of Fire from my library. And.... now it's my favorite, usurping The Prisoner of Azkaban from top of the pile. I'm actually shocked. Then, because god is good, someone uploaded all 7 audiobooks' files and shared them in a FB group I'm in. I'm almost done with Book 6. It is AMAZING how much of the details seem like a complete surprise.

Week 1 Reviews:

The Golem and the Jinni
Texas Gothic
Six of Crows
Joe Vampire
Week 2 Highlights:
The Winner's Curse was wonderful. I can't say enough about it. The Boy Who Drew Monsters was weird. Does Patrick Ness have some character with mental illness in each of his books? I might look that up. 

Week 2 Reviews:

We Are Called to Rise
The Winner's Curse
The Bookseller
Week 3 Highlights:
A definite shining spot was reading the second of the Unwind series. Big plans to finish this series ASAP. I was doing (and fretting over) my Best of 2015 posts so I didn't do as many book reviews that week. Here are a couple of

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass - still weird 

The Luckiest Girl Alive - I was a little annoyed by the main character in this book, though, overall I really liked this book. It's a bout a girl who goes to a private school and gets taken in by the popular kids just to find out they are a bunch of assholes. The story is told from her perspective as an adult as she is deciding if she wants to participate in a documentary about a horrible event that happened at the school during her Freshman year. The fact that we don't know what the horrible thing is and that "hers is the only story that hasn't already been heard" kept me reading. 

The Clasp by Sloan Crosby - This is probably a good book if you want to talk about symbolism and that sort of stuff. I think the blurb oversold it.

Week 3 Reviews:

Week 4 Highlights:
I cannot even talk about The Winner's Crime, anymore. I might die. I need Book 3 to come out quickly to prevent arterial rupture. It's a top series pick.
I read The Hobbit because it was a friend's "favorite book." I liked it more than I remember liking it before, but not as much as the fandom would have you believe I should like it.

The Rest of Us Just Live Here by Patrick Ness - I might review this one. It was definitely worth the time and was promptly added to my MustReads shelf on Goodreads.

Week 4 Reviews 

Everything Everything (review coming) -but mostly I LOVED IT! I loved the use of illustrations and doodles. I loved the characters. I loved the completely expected twist. Loved it. 

The Diviners 


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