Wednesday, March 22, 2017

What I've Been Reading (Outbox March 22, 2017)

My outbox posts don’t usually span multiple months. I must be behind! Or ahead. Depending which month you are looking at… This is really the total books I’ve read between mid- January and now, because I basically did all Feature posts in February. I only did one review!

Despite all that, this one is going to be a quickie. Because I’ve got shit ta do!
I've got big dreams to review The Magic Strings of Frankie Presto because it was an excellent book to choose for book club, which is why I read it.

The Highlights:

The Brief and
 Life of Oscar Wao by Junot Diaz was a DNF book for me about seven years ago. I think I ran out of time on the library book. There was only one teeny scene exactly in the middle of the book that I recognized. I am so glad that I finally got around to finishing this touching story of a fat nerd and his family's curse. This is some magical realism at it's finest. Obviously it gets the WNDB sticker up and down it. I think it also counts towards my Reader Harder 2017 challenge! YES!!

I finished the Bartemeous Trilogy by Jonathan Stroud. It might be my favorite book about magicians, not counting Harry Potter. And I might even like it better than that, in parts, but I have Ravenclaw licence plates and it's too late for me now. I think I liked it because it was a more cynical look at magicians, which was a bit of a refreshing change. 

I reviewed Dr. Fell and the Playground of Doom by David Neilson. Worth the read, especially as a co-read with a spook- loving kiddo, I'd bet.


  1. "And I might even like it better than that, in parts, but I have Ravenclaw licence plates and it's too late to for me now." -- ������

  2. So now I know blogspot doesn't support emojis. GOOD TO KNOW. Anyway, that made me laugh.
