Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Dominique from Pirates and Pixie Dust: Songs to Accompany Shades of Magic (Guest Post)

Hello, Kenya's friends!

I'm Dominique and you can find me over at Pirates and Pixie Dust when I'm not reading (or tweeting about reading).'s post is about music, inspired by Kenya's love for musicals. I'd love to share which songs remind me of the Shades of Magic series by VE Schwab. Though I won't be revealing anything major about the stories, my song choices may be considered spoilery to some, especially if you're planning on reading the stories soon. However, if you have read the books (my favorite reads of 2016!), then I apologize. You'll never hear these two songs the same way again:

A Darker Shade of Magic was released in 2015, and so was the Demi Lovato song Stone Cold. Basically they were made for each other. I mean, let's think about the final scene with Holland. Now imagine Holland singing in his head, directing every last word to Kell. Have you got that picture in your head? Good, good. Now listen to these lyrics:
Were these two things not expressly designed for each other?! Oh my word, friends. The perfection! It's amazing.

Secondly, and not nearly as perfect, I imagine Demi Lovato as the voice of Lila Bard in A Gathering of Shadows. I'm not sure why it's another Demi song, but perhaps she was on the radio in the background while I was reading this series. Now without *really* saying anything, I picture Lila getting ready for *that one thing* while singing along to Heart Attack:
Go to Youtube
Ugh. It's just the best, isn't it? I love these books so much, and I highly recommend that every one read them. And you're welcome for the ear worms.

Love ya,

 ****** is a 27 year old attempting to master "adulting" in Nashville, Tennessee. She tried to accomplish this by getting a tattoo, but just ended up leaving with Disney inspired ink.

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