Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday: Bookish People to Social Media Stalk

YAY! I'm pre- posting a Top Ten Tuesday! I can tell that this is the start of a whole new life of organization and planning for me... 
These top tens are hard for me because 10 things is a lot of things!! I'm going to shoot for 5 and see how it goes. I've decided to try and do one of these a month to take the pressure off of myself! 

This week's Top Ten Tuesday is (drum roll would be useless given the title of the post, huh? Drum roll, anyway, naysayer!)

Ten Bookish People You Should Follow On Social Media  
I am almost exclusively on twitter about 90 percent of my bookish social media time. I have a tumblr I check about once a week. My facebook is mostly just personal contacts.
1. Not that these are in a particular order but Numero Uno has got to be Daniel Jose Older. Mr. Older came into being in my mind last year when his first YA book, Shadowshaper, dropped like a bomb in the #DiverseBooks community. I later saw him at Book Riot Live. He's a force to be reckoned with and tweets about random shit all day long. He's also all about the social justice and bullshit that is American politics. Follow him for a laugh and a cry, [click here for my blog references to him.] Click here for a link to the post with my favorite picture of his arms. To date

2. Amanda Nelson. Ms. Nelson is a sassy (amazing how we would rarely thing to use this word for a hetero- cis man, right) managing editor at Book Riot. She does a podcast or two and a book review whatever. But I don't watch or read or anything of any of that. I follow her solely for her Twitter banter and fun-ness. Also, her t shirt in her profile picture is basically my spirit animal, posted here in case she every changes it and then this entry refers to some weird cat shirt. 

3. Margaret H. Wilson. I just discovered Ms. Friday Night about 6 months ago. She is one half of Two Bossy Dames, a Friday night tiny letter of nuttiness. Ms. Wilson is clever and funny in her tweets and she never retweets stupid shit. Well, I can't say never, but usually her retweets are funny and totally retweet worthy. She's also a librarian, which is like a rock star to me.

4. Rochester Teen Book Festival. This isn't technically a person. But it's a great annual event that supports the teen voice in books. Plus, I get to meet lots of YA authors. SQUEEEE!!

5. Maggie Steifvater: This chick has written two of my favorite YA series. Plus, her blog through tumblr is awesome. She interacts with fans and posts about her life as if she were a real person. That's always a positive. 

6. Clayton Smith: An author I met once and part of the team at [Dapper Press]. Now I drop in on his twitter every now and then to see what he's up to. Shenanigans, usually. 

I guess the rest are really just awesome bookish bloggers that I've come to find often post funny things or good reviews. In no particular order. 

Hmmm... now I have more than 10... BONUS:

I also follow the facebook page for the Little Free Library in my neighborhood. Guess who the steward is.

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  1. WOW! Thank you so much for including me!!! I am so honored! Great list!

  2. I am so happy that you included Sarah here. Her account is wonderful and she definitely deserves this. I definitely will have to check out the other people you have mentioned :) Thanks for sharing!

    Erica @ Novel Ink
