Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Best MG/YA of 2017 So Far! (Top Ten Tuesday)

It’s about that time for a mid-year check in! Of course, its almost the end of June and it’s unbelievable how fast the year has gone already. But doesn’t everyone say that? Isn’t it really funny how we are always just so shocked and betrayed at how time passes… It's also funny how often I find this gif appropriate for a post. 
But I digress.

So, this post is going to be about the best books I’ve read so far in 2017. By coincidence, that’s the topic for Top Ten Tuesday (link to host's page) so I’ll see if I can get to ten of them and that will be two proverbial dead birds!

I was going to do a combined Adult/YA list, but I had 10 YA favorites. I’ll do a short list of adult fiction/ nonfiction for tomorrow. (update: I didn't do an adult post.)

1. Fat Angie by E.E. Charlton-Trujillo (link for mini-review)

2. Scythe by (my secret book boyfriend) Neal Shusterman (link for review) - Shusterman has written a couple of my favorite books, so I am sadly a wee biased about his stuff. 

3. Wolf Hollow by Lauren Wolk - I mean, when do I give 5-stars? This is a great middle grade book about a young girl who is being picked. She's trying her best to be a good person and to give bad people the benefit of the doubt... and to stick up for the people she knows are good within... I wasn't sure where the story was going at first. It's a little bit To Kill a Mockingbird.

4. Bartemeus Triology by Jonathan Stroud - I didn't do a full review for this series because I reviewed his other series and it seemed a little bit too much like the Jonathan Stroud fan hour. But let me tell you. I'm a fan!

7. The Goose Girl by Shannon Hale - So cute. I'm on the Shannon Hale train. Toot toot! 

9. Liar’s Bench by Kim Michelle Richardson - This book is about the story of two families: the family of a white girl and her mother who dies at the beginning of the book and the family history of her black boyfriend. 

10. Cinder by Marissa Meyer - I'm obviously late to the party on this book. 

Check out other Top Ten Tuesday Posts  

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely loved the Bartemeus Triology by Jonathan Stroud growing up! I might have to give it a reread sometime soon. I plan on reading Cinder next mmonth, so I'm late to the train too.
