Wednesday, May 31, 2017

May Recap, in Pictures!

Jeez. When was the last time I did a wrap up post? Perhaps this is a whole new leaf I’m turning over! Just kidding.

I don’t really want to do a whole recap post… so here’s a barrage of pictures!! I might come back and break this up into smaller bite- size pieces… but probably not.


Favorite reviews: 

I ATTENDED: 12th annual Rochester Teen Book Festival! I was a author assistant and spent all day with Nina LeCour and Jorjeana Marie. And a bunch of teenagers... like 3000 of them!!  I totally failed my TBF challenge, by the way, but more about that some other time. I also made some of the RAPA teens come to TBF and chat up summer programs.  (I also made it to my writer's group and two book clubs!)

I SAW: Cabaret at the Rochester Auditorium Theatre; I was an usher. FREE THEATRE! I had never seen it and loved the show. I also saw Titanic the Musical at the JCC. I got season tickets to both venues next year! In other news, I'm eating Ramen all summer. 

I PERFORMED: Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe and Charlotte's Web. We did them for a couple of elementary schools and on our Family Theatre Stage.

Charlotte's Web was a remount from last year and it was fun to redo the show!
I played the head of the White Witch's army in LWW, a wolf. In the book/ movie he gets killed but I just got accidentally froze, which I think was a total rip off!! 


  1. Looks like you had a lot of fun. You read a lot and love the book festival.

  2. Oh wow. This is awesome. It looks like you had a ton of fun on the set.

  3. Looks like you had a great month! I'm stopping by from the #getsocial17 blog hop.

  4. What a month! That's awesome about the book fest. Looks like a fun time :)

    Stopping by from the #GetSocial event :) A heads up-- I had a blip with the sign up linky (it didn't request email info from anyone so I couldn't send yall the kick off post ) so stopping by with the link which has the official linky list everyone can use to visit all the blogs :) Hope you meet some fun new friends during the event! Thanks so much for joining in!

  5. That's great about the book fest. Have a great week. Stopping by from the #getsocial17 event.

  6. What a fun month! I love the photos of your performances. Stopping by as part of #getsocial2017. You can find me at

  7. Great recap and a fun month. Hi from Deanna's World. Glad to visit as part of the #getsocial17 event.

  8. So many good books read :=) I do want to try Scythe

  9. Greetings! I'm new to your blog. Stopping by as part of #getsocial17 event.

    I love your picture-filled wrap up post. It makes it so much more fun than a bunch of lists! My son's 7th grade class is reading The Outsiders. It's been years since I've read. I don't think he likes the "olden" setting. haha.

  10. Great wrap up post. Nice to meet you #getsocial17

  11. Eventful and fun filled month!

    Stopping by for #getsocial17

    For What It's Worth

  12. LWW looks like fun!! :D I've been meaning to read Scythe!

  13. Awesome pics and great recap. I loved seeing the costumes and stage makeup. I have Scythe which I absolutely had to buy when it was released, but which is still sitting unread (definitely a trend in my house). Glad you enjoyed it and I will get to it someday! (at least I keep telling myself that). #Getsocial17

  14. So, your alter ego is the head of an army. Delusions of grandeur? ;-)

  15. Wow great post thanks for sharing it all looks like so much fun. Its been ages since I've been in a play! #getsocial17

  16. How exciting to go to a book festival. It sounds like you had a blast! Thanks for letting me visit your blog. Have a great weekend ahead! - Mama Vicky #GetSocial17
