Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday - Still on my TBR

August 23: Ten Books That Have Been On Your Shelf (Or TBR) From Before You Started Blogging That You STILL Haven't Read Yet (this is going to be sad considering how many of those I have unread six years later...)

This is an interesting idea. The problem for me is that I started adding books to my TBR list on Goodreads (2009) the year AFTER I started blogging (2008). Technically. I mean, if you look at my blog between 2008 and 2010, it’s pretty sad. But I didn’t really start reviewing books for real until about a year and a half ago. Also, I have hundreds of books on my TBR between 2009 and 2015…I think I've mentioned before how farcical my TBR list is. I'm even doing a couple of challenges for the year, and a specific challenge this month to get through some things. I should say, I'm failing a challenge this month, but never mind that!

I’m thinking about this too much, I think.
Here’s what I’m going to do. I’m going to sort my TBR list on Goodreads based on “date added” and choose one book from each of the first 10 pages that I actually think I want to read soon. Here goes:

Saving Fish from Drowning by Amy Tan
Pack Challenge (Magnus Pack, #1) by Shelly Laurenston
Fairest by Gail Carson Levine
The Girl’s Guide to Hunting and Fishing by Melissa Bank
Leviathan by Scott Westerfeld
A Great and Terrible Beauty by Libba Bray
Power of Six by Pitticus Lore
The Last Vampire by Christopher Pike
Dune by Frank Herbert
This is How You Lose Her by Junot Diaz

 Some of these I was really excited about when I added them! I should try and get to them. Eventually.

A by product of figuring out which books to include: I deleted a bunch of stuff on my TBR because, seriously, why was it on there!? I hated the first Beautiful Creatures book. So I’m probably not really going to read book 2 or 3, right? Of course, when I say I deleted a bunch, I mean, like, six. Because I am still me.

1 comment:

  1. I relate to this on a cellular level.

    I like the way you picked your reads. I might try that.
