about that time for a mid-year check in! Of course, its almost the end of June
and it’s unbelievable how fast the year has gone already. But doesn’t everyone
say that? Isn’t it really funny how we are always just so shocked and betrayed at how time
passes… It's also funny how often I find this gif appropriate for a post.
I digress.
this post is going to be about the best books I’ve read so far in 2017. By
coincidence, that’s the topic for Top Ten Tuesday (link to host's page) so I’ll see if I can get to
ten of them and that will be two proverbial dead birds!
was going to do a combined Adult/YA list, but I had 10 YA favorites. I’ll do a
short list of adult fiction/ nonfiction for tomorrow. (update: I didn't do an adult post.)