exhausted right now. But, I have to wait for my daughter to get out of
rehearsal, anyway so I might as well tell you why by Book January sucked so
off, I have only completed 6 books this month, three since the outbox post a couple of weeks ago. This isn’t really a low number and I would never think this isn’t “Enough” books. It’s just well below by average for the last couple of years. However, I’m trying to take it easy on myself and switch my way of thinking about THE NUMBER. My goal is to read fewer books more mindfully this year. My guess is that the goal will wax and wane like so many others.
All three of these books earn a We Need Diverse Books badge!! Whoot whoot! Here's what I've read:
All three of these books earn a We Need Diverse Books badge!! Whoot whoot! Here's what I've read: